Some progress was made on the bathroom wall this weekend. I'm know you are all waiting in keen anticipation so here is what we got done:
We took the towel rack off the wall (and by 'we' I mean hubby) - it was only glued on and just popped right off.
I measured, hubby cut, and I glued and hammered the v-groove boards onto the wall. I want you to admire the wonderful measuring job I did. Why does it always end up like that? I really try to be accurate. It won't matter in the end, though, as the top will be covered with trim.

We held up the trim so we could get an idea of what it will look like. Looks much better with the uneven ends covered up, doesn't it.
Can't you just picture the towel rack there and the pictures going along the shelf. Much work still to be done, though.
- put last board up along wall behind the door
- fill nail holes
- re-install baseboard and quarter-round
- put up shelf and trim
- paint
- hang up towel rack and pictures

Oh you are having fun with the remodel projects, and the colour ideas were an interesting twist, tea light sounds just fabulous