I wanted something round to go above the bed to echo the roundness of the headboard. I found this carving at HomeSense - and it was even carved in India (a place I have a particular fondness for after visiting last summer).
The furniture was rearranged - the two bookshelves were split up and put on either side of the window and the trunk was put under the window. I thought it would kinda sorta look like built-in bookshelves and a window seat - both things I adore, but we weren't willing to put the time or money into building them into a house we may be leaving soon.
I re-hung the drapes above the arched window so that all the windows were covered by the curtains. Since the curtains are now much higher than they were before, I had to take down the hem and add more material along the bottom. Fortunately I had bought an extra set of curtains at the time I bought the original ones so I had fabric that matched. I covered the seam with gray ribbon and added another row of ribbon to make it look like it was all meant to be. It actually took me quite awhile to do all of those steps since I had to think through the solution to each problem as it presented itself.
I sorted and edited the books so the bookshelves would look tidy. On top of one bookshelf I put a shadow box with my husband's fossils. The back of the box used to be Barbie pink, which is great if you are putting Barbies in the box, but not so good if you are putting fossils in. I painted it white and it looks much better and actually means you can see the fossils now since it is much brighter inside the box. I know the box still looks a little pink in the photos, but that is just a reflection of the red shirt I was wearing when I took the photos.
And on top of the other bookshelf I put some of my dolls. I'm not really a doll kind of person, but these are special to me as they were mostly collected when we traveled through Europe when I was a child and a few were given to me by my Grandmother from her travels. I had all my dolls out before and it just looked cluttered, so I've decided to only display three at a time and have the rest in a little vintage suitcase nearby so I can change them up when the mood strikes me.
I centred the tall dresser on the wall across from the bed and put my favourite painting done by my Grandmother on it.
The ceiling light was dreadful and had to be replaced. We toyed around with a number of options and in the end chose our second favourite. We didn't go with our first choice because it was only available at a store in downtown Toronto and it cost almost $80 more than this one. It was also a capiz shell light that looked very similar to the one we chose, but was cream-coloured rather than gray. We figured that since the walls were gray the gray capiz shells would look fine and they do.
The ceiling light doesn't cast much light so I also bought another light to go on the dresser near our bed. I chose a silver mercury glass lamp from HomeSense to add some sparkle.
Do you love Queen Anne's Lace like I do - I think it is such a pretty flower/weed so I put some on the dresser.
Let's see the before and after photos - they are always fun!
And after ...

Linked to WOW Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style,
The Creative Spark at Clean & Scentsible,
Tutorials, Tips, and Tidbits at Stone Gable,
Inspiration Friday at At the Picket Fence,
DIY Link Party at Funky Junk Interiors,
Before and After Party at Thrifty Decor Chick,
Tutorials & Tips Link Party at Home Stories A to Z