Yesterday was Malcolm, our oldest son, and Christie's wedding. The bride and groom radiated joy and happiness.
The weather was misty and rainy and created a beautiful soft backdrop to the photos taken in the gazebo. Fortunately we got the outdoor photos taken before it really started to rain and the weather didn't really interfere too much with the rest of the day.
The flowers worked out well and Christie and her sister, who was the maid of honour, were thrilled with them.
My friend came over on Friday and helped Kate and me make all the bouquets, corsages, boutonnieres, and flowers for the centre of the tables. Together we were a flower making machine as we had everything made by noon. Not only that, but I had bought all the flowers from our local grocery store and had had to eyeball the quantity as I wasn't sure how much I would really need. I figured I could go out and get more if we ran short. After we were finished making everything I gathered up the leftovers and there were only ten flowers remaining!
On Saturday we went early and had photos taken before the wedding service so it wouldn't interfere with the rest of the day. After we had finished taking the photos we all needed some coffee. You can see in the photo below the bride and groom standing in the coffee shop with their timbits and coffee. Oh so Canadian!
The wedding service was personal and lovely. The fathers of the bride and groom served communion, friends played the piano, sang a solo, and played during the signing of the register, and my brother read a scripture reading, and my Mother said the prayers. I loved how the church was decorated with colourful banners - such a gorgeous backdrop for the wedding.
The reception afterward was an afternoon tea, which perfectly suited Malcolm and Christie.
There were several types of tea along with coffee and punch. There were sandwiches, crackers and cheese, veggies, scones with a variety of jams, a dessert table,
and cupcakes instead of a traditional cake along with a fruit bouquet. It was delicious and casual and fun.
I had suggested to Christie's mother that we give each other's child a special cup to use at the afternoon tea. Christie's family is from the Netherlands so her Mother bought Malcolm a cup from the Dutch shop in town. I decided to go with a sentimental cup. My Mother and Father were given many tea cups at their wedding 55 years ago (some of which she has given to me) so I asked my Mother is she would be willing to give one to Christie, which she did. So my Mother selected this one for Christie from her collection. You can see Malcolm and Christie using their special cups in the photo below.

Malcolm and Christie had sent out an email ahead of time letting everyone know that they would kiss at the reception, but not when people clinked on glasses. They would only kiss when someone sang a song, told a story, recited a poem etc. Everyone was very creative and it was a lot of fun. Jonathan and I told three stories about how smart, charming, and frugal Malcolm is and how we can see these same qualities in Christie and what a great match they are and how we have enjoyed seeing them grow in love and affection for each other.
We wish you well Malcolm and Christie!
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.