
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Hilton Falls in the Fall

Now that fall is here in full force I'm madly trying to pack my weekends full of fun outings and activities before winter comes. I feel like the squirrels who are madly gathering nuts, except I'm madly collecting adventures. Last winter was a nasty one and I keep hearing rumours that this one is going to be worse (yikes!) so I want to have done lots before we cocoon.

So in the spirit of wanting an adventure the husband and I went for a hike to Hilton Falls and then out for coffee afterward. Apparently, lots of other people wanted an adventure too because we sure weren't alone. Near the falls there is always a big bonfire so people can bring hotdogs and marshmallows to roast and boy was it popular. Nevertheless, the gorgeous golden trees were what stuck in my memory.

I always find it interesting how different parts of the forest can vary so much from each other. It is especially noticeable in the fall because some parts had already lost their leaves, some were predominantly trees that turned yellow, some were golds and oranges, and some were evergreen.

The Niagara Escarpment cliffs can be seen nearby and were looking especially beautiful with all the fall colours. I actually took these next two photos while we were driving because there really wasn't anywhere to stop. I was impressed they turned out as well as they did.

I think Anne of Green Gables summed our day up best.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful walk - the colors are unbelievable and I love all the waterfalls. I never knew much about this area before and love learning about it from your blog.
