
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Summer Reading List

Schools almost finished which means just a few more weeks until summer holidays.  I love summer.  I love going to the cottage and relaxing, going for walks, swimming, having the time to get some things done, and reading books.  Yes, it's true - the summer is one of the few times I read anything apart from blogs.  Sad, I know.  

When I have a good book it is hard for me to put it down so I have to save reading for times when I can devote myself wholeheartedly to the task. I've had times when a book is so compelling that I look up hours after I started reading to realize that my head aches, I'm starving, I need to use the toilet, and I have a crick in my neck.  Ah, yes.  You know it is a good book when that happens.  I look forward to it every year.

It's a given that the best place to read is at the cottage with all the quiet and lack of distractions, but did you know that there is optimum reading weather.  Yep, it's true. The best reading of all happens when there is a long slow rain and you bundle up in a blanket and sit on the screened porch with a cup of tea (or a beer if you are my husband) and lose yourself in your book.

You can almost smell the dampness when you look at those pine needles below.  Perfect reading conditions!

So this summer I have six books I am looking forward to reading.  Here they are and the amazingly deep and thoughtful reasons I want to read each one:

1.  The World of Downton Abbey - because I love Downton Abbey and I love the guy who just bought this book for me (thanks thoughtful husband)

2. The Great Gatsby - because my youngest son has been urging me to read this book all year and I somehow missed reading this one when I was in high school and maybe, just maybe, I'll go and see the movie too.  

3.  Walden - again my youngest son has put this one on my list.  I love books about simple living so I'm not sure how I missed reading this one all my life.  I also want to read about a man who thinks he is living in a secluded cabin when in reality he is not even two miles from town (cracks me up every time).

4.  Crossing to Safety - Jonathan always gives me a few books at Christmas to read when I have time over the year and this was one of the ones I got last year.  I actually started it over the Christmas holidays, but haven't finished it yet.  I'm looking forward to reading it all.

5.  The Garlic Ballads - because I got this one for Christmas too and it looks interesting and I'm a sucker for books that have won prizes.
6.  The Help - because I keep hearing good things about it and I got it free from someone at work (I told you these were deep and thoughtful reasons).

What's on your summer reading list?  Need some inspirations?  Then join us over at Ricki Jill's blog, Art@Home, where we will be sharing our summer reading lists on Friday, June 7th.

p.s. Anyone understand dust jackets on hardcover books?  I usually take them off to expose the gorgeous spines and covers of the book underneath - much prefer the linen cover with beautiful lettering to the glossy photos on the dust jacket.  Maybe I'm missing something.


  1. Ha! That is so funny to hear you say that you have a hard time getting out of a good book. I have been known to start a book, lie down on the couch and pass the entire day reading. My family think I am crazy and sigh heavily when they see me falling for a book. Of course I was the same with Downton Abbey. I downloaded all seasons and watched them over the course of a few weeks.
    I love the idea of reading at the cottage with the rain and a warm blanket. Lovely.

  2. You have some great book ideas and you gave me one to pick up - Walden. I have never read that one. I am due to start a new one once my flowers are planted. :) Happy reading amongst the pines! Kit

  3. I read Crossing to Safety many years ago when it first was is one of my all time favourites, enjoy!

  4. Happy reading in such a beautiful setting.


  5. Summer is book season for me too! I have a stack of 10 ready to go as soon as my report cards are written!

  6. Thanks for the suggestions...I am a sucker for award winners as well...and I like you never find the time to read until summer...although this summer is not looking too promising!

  7. I love the classics on your list. And I'm happy you're reading The Help. YAY! I giggled at your first choice, but I bet it's a great read.

    As far as book jackets...i think they are meant to promote the books with the little blurbs they have printed on them. They say it's to protect them, but I think it's all about marketing! ;P

    Thanks so much for linking-up, Grace!

