
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Help Needed

As many of you know I will be away for most of the summer traveling to and working in Bangladesh (you can read more about it here and here).  I've been pondering what to do with my blog for the seven weeks I will be away.

I'm hoping to be able to upload photos and write some posts while I am on the road and teaching.  However, I can't guarantee that I will have electricity, internet access, or time and energy to do regular blog posts.  Thus I'm coming to you, seeking volunteers to write some guest posts.

I would encourage you to consider being a guest blogger as it is a good way to find other blogs and have other people find yours.  I thought it would be fun to have the guest post give us three glimpses into your home, along the following lines:

  • the oldest thing in your home
  • the favourite thing you have made (or made-over)
  • the favourite room in your house and why

I will need to have the post sent to me by the middle of June so I have time to upload it and it is ready to publish before I leave.  If you think you would be interested in volunteering to be a guest blogger this summer please drop me an email at

I'm looking forward to hearing from you.


  1. What a great idea Grace. I do hope you get to blog while on your trip because I think it be so interesting for all of us to have a glimpse into your experience. Best wishes!

  2. I agree with the comment above, you're going to have some great stuff to blog about, but you have a sweet idea here.

  3. Sounds like fun! I'll be happy to volunteer a post. And good luck on your journey!!

  4. I am so excited for you, Grace. What a blessing! I like your ideas for the guest bloggers, and I am looking forward to helping you out!

  5. It sounds very exciting and will be looking forward to the post you can share with us. I love your photos, they are so pretty. I'd love to do a post for you while your gone.

  6. Pretty pictures of the flowers. If you need more guests posts, I would do one for you.

  7. I'm so excited about your trip and hope you do have internet access and time to blog simply because I can't wait to see everything you'll be doing!

    If you would like me to guest post I would love to!

    Kat :)

  8. I hope you guest bloggers do a good job keeping up your blog while your gone :-)

    Take care and have a safe trip.


  9. I look forward to reading your posts about your trip. If you need another guest blogger you just let me know.

  10. Grace, I'd be happy to help out this summer. I enjoyed posting on your blog last summer so let me know if you need me. I am very excited for your trip and cannot wait to hear all about it! Best, Stephenie
