
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

"The Hidden Chemises" and a Giveaway

 A 100-year old unworn chemise is being given away on My French Country Home blog.  In order to enter the giveaway you must invent a tale to account for the ten unworn monogrammed chemises found recently at a brocante in France.  This story, as told in the form of a letter, is my fictional attempt to explain the unworn chemises.


July 20, 1895

Ma très chère Melodie,

How is it that I can be both sad and happy at the same time.  For it is with great longing and sadness that I am writing this letter to you - sadness because I miss you so much, my dear sister, yet also great joy that I am living in a new land with the man I love.  

Since I last wrote, Jacques has built me a fantastic 'château' in the woods, which suits us perfectly.

Just look at the view we enjoy from our bedroom window.

As a child I always longed to be surrounded by tall trees, sparkling waters, fresh air, and freedom, and now, since we came to live in Canada, I have my heart's desire.

For you, there is your music in France, but for me there was only the restrictions of being a woman in society and all that entailed.

Enough about that, though, it is a lovely warm summer day today and I just picked a tray full of blueberries.  I am off now to make a blueberry gâteau.

I almost forgot to tell you my secret for you.  If you look in the black trunk in the attic you will find the chemises that we made together the winter before I left.  Well you will find all but one, that is, as I took one chemise with me as a sweet rememberance of our time together. I am giving you the chemises to wear so you can feel close to me. Fortunately we have the same initials so they will be perfect for you too.

I will think of you always and hold you in my heart. We have the same moon here as in France and I think of you whenever I see it.

Grosses bises,


To read other stories and for information on winning one of these lovely chemises go to My French Country Home.

The first two photos were taken by my daughter Kate.  They are pictures of White Otter Castle (in northern Ontario), taken when she was on her 12-day canoe trip.  The next two photos and the last one were taken by me on Georgian Bay, and the photo of the chemises was borrowed from My French Country Home (with permission).


  1. Such a lovely story, and I enjoyed your photographs. So lovely to meet you. Karen

  2. That is a really good story. I am not a writer so I guess I will miss out on that giveaway.

  3. Oh to have great writing abilities. I commend your style and love the photos as well.


  4. Thank you Grace, this is a lovely tale. I'm so happy that you and others have taken part in this story telling party. I thinks it's fascinating to see each story emerge.
    As promised you're on my blogroll!

    My French Country Home

  5. Grace, you are such a romantic! Beautifully put together...I hope you win!

  6. I like your chemise version a lot!


  7. Very creative and lovely story and what an interesting way of doing a giveaway.

  8. Hi Grace!

    I have been away from blogging this week and i have lots to catch up on. My cousin oh so sad left today!
    I briefly looked at your previous posts and what is this about Bangladesh? Seriously? Boy your adventurous!
    THis post here is so beautifully written!! I hope you win...fantastic story!

  9. Fantastique!!
    Love your new profile photo! How is the kitchen coming? I hope you have air con...oh my the heat wave in Ontario!
