
Friday, June 4, 2010

Friday Photo - Roses in our Garden

Roses in our neck of the woods usually bloom in June - except for this year when the very warm spring has brought the beauties out early.

Sigh - rose heaven!


  1. I love the smell of roses! Today I am shovelling topsoil into my beds. Soon I can plant! Would love to have a mature garden like yours.

  2. Excellent photos! Please send some heat here - its been raining for two straight weeks in BC and my roses are water logged!

  3. Very beautiful. I especially love the cream coloured one. My very last rose is still clinging on even though it's winter here. I'll have approximately 36 hours left to enjoy it on my estimation! So I'll just have to look at your photos instead once it's gone! Have a lovely weekend x

  4. Wow. The only way we can tell how beautiful those flowers look is because you are such a skilled photographer. Those are suitable for framing too!

  5. What a special treat it must be to be surrounded by such beauty. I have only attempted to grow roses once and have never tried again. None of them made it through the winter. I so enjoyed the photos. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Oh, lovely!

    I have one sad, blighted rose in my yard. I tried moving it to a more suitable location, but I may be too late.

  7. Grace these photos are amazing!! I love the second photo!!
    I can't believe they are in bloom already? Now I'm really jealous!!
