
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

First Giveaway

We're so excited to have the Olympics here in Canada, and especially to have won our first gold medal on Sunday.  Go Canada!!! 

So in honour of the 2010 Olympic games I have put together a few things to give away to one of you.  

There's sort of a Canadian connection to everything I'm giving away.  Let me explain...

The tea selection was purchased in Niagara Falls.  There are three different kinds of tea mixed with Quebec's apple ice wine, Niagara ice wine, and Canadian Maple Syrup.

These wooden snowflakes were made by an artisan using different kinds of Canadian wood.  I purchased them at the Ethel Curry Gallery up in cottage country in Ontario.

This tea towel was purchased on the weekend at Anthropologie in Toronto.   I got one for myself (which I have warned the family they are not actually allowed to use - I did notice some eye rolling - not sure why).  So the connection to Canada is pretty lame for this one, but my daughter, Kate, and I were seriously excited  (almost as excited as we were about the Olympics) when Anthropologie opened their first stores in Canada last year.  So that counts, right?  Well anyway, I like it, so it's part of my giveaway.

The giveaway will close on Sunday, February 21 at 6:00 PM EST.  There are several ways to get your name in the draw:
  1. leave a comment below telling me what country/province/state you are from and if you are watching the Olympics.
  2. become a follower (and leave me a second comment telling me you have done that).  All followers will automatically be entered a second time.
  3. mention me on your blog (and leave me another comment letting me know you have done that).
The winner will be selected by a random draw and will be announced on Monday, February 22nd.  Please be sure and leave an email address, if you do not have a blog, so I can reach you to get shipping information.  The contest is open to anyone, anywhere in the world.  I have a stats counter and I'm fascinated that people all around the world find my blog - I would love to hear from some of you living in far off places (of course, I'm happy to hear from the nearby ones as well - just saying).


  1. I'm from northern Michigan--USA :) I'm in the upper midwest and its cooollldd and snowing here.

    Nope...not watching the olympics. Just been too busy--although, when I have time I do enjoy watching them.

    deborah150 at hotmail dot com

  2. I follow.

    Make sure to stop by my blog and enter to win a $20 Amazon g.c. giveaway (ends 2/23)

    deborah150 at hotmail dot com

  3. Hi Grace, what a great giveaway!

    I hail from Maryland, USA and sadly I haven't really watched the olympics, too busy working on stories that I'm on deadline for.

    I'm also a follower of your great blog!

    Kat :)

  4. Hi Grace! Am so glad you found my blog I have enjoyed yours as well. I just loved the photos of Niagara Falls!! It brought tears to my eyes as that is my hometown. Amazing photos of the falls. I love pictures of the snow as now living on Vancouver Island we don't get the Ontario winters.
    I will be mentioning your give away on my next post.
    Pamela :)

  5. Hi, Grace. I am a friend of Pam's. I'm from Niagara Falls. I haven't been watching the Olympics but have been getting updates and I'm proud of our Canadian medalists!!!!!! Love your blog.

  6. Hi Grace, thanks for the invite. I live in the Cowichan Valley on Vancouver Island. (originally from Ontario).

    The Olympic coverage is on from the time we wake up until we go to bed. I love the Olympics and I'm so happy that it is actually in my own time zone this time around.

  7. I forgot to mention that I'm watching the Olympics from Texas!

  8. Hi Grace, I'm now a follower.

    I have to tell you, as much as I like everything in your giveaway I really have a thing for tea towels and I love the one in your giveaway.


  9. Grace, comment number three. I blogged about your Giveaway. Can you tell I would like to win? LOL!!


  10. Go Canada Go! So nice to meet another blogger from Ontario!Another gold yesterday! Can you tell I am excited?

  11. Hi Grace! We're in North Carolina and I LOVE that towel. (I get a lot of eye rolling here too) We'll be followers too!
    xoxo Pattie and Allie

  12. What a yummy giveaway! Please enter me too! LOVE that towel....and I'm a tea ADDICT.....

    Not watching the Olympics.....too busy this time around.

    Warm blessings,

  13. What a great idea, eh! I am watching every moment that I can. I am so proud of our athletes and the way they conduct themselves.I love the snowflakes for a wonderful reminder of the Olympics. I'm in Maple Ridge on the outskirts of Vancouver.

  14. Watching the Olympics from Central Texas, but it is not very warm here lately!

  15. Hi Grace, I'm coming to you via Thibeault's Table. I'm from Montreal, Quebec (your neighbor, and hockey rival)! Yes, we are all watching the Games here and are so proud that we are celebrating the Olympics in beautiful Vancouver. Obviously, we are rooting for our Canadian athletes, and wish them all the best.We are so fortunate to live in a beautiful country such as ours, with wonderful people of all varied cultural backgrounds.Montreal has great food!

  16. Hi Grace

    I posted your giveaway on my blog and facebook!

    love everything you are giving away!

    Pamela :)

  17. Hi Grace, A-M from Australia. We're sweating it out here in our summer watching your lovely cold Olympics. We are cheering for Canada, (when an Aussie isn't competing.... I think our guys are all out now!). Hubby is scheming for us to actually move to your wonderful country. Goal - 2015.... just have to build a couple more houses so we can afford to up and leave for a while. We love snow, we love cold, we love skiing, we love your people! Go Canada! A-M xx

  18. Oh my goodness!! What a fabulous blog!! I live in LONDON ONTARIO CANADA and have been watching the Olympics faithfully. Well curling doesn't really turn my crank but everything else - yes!!
    This is such a lovely giveaway!! Very generous!
    I am going to become a follower now and will get you on my blog before Sunday!!

  19. I am now a follower!! I look forward to your posts!

  20. grace,
    thanks for the info! i am really excited for the olympics as well. we are living in SLC, where the olympics were held in 2002. we weren't here at the time, but there are still so many reminders about the events. it's such an honor to be the olympic hosts!
    anyway, what a fun giveaway--i love those wooden snowflakes---they are beautiful! and that tea towel is ADORABLE.
    yea for canada!

  21. What a great giveaway! I love all of these items!!!

    I'm from Minnesota (in the United States). I have not been watching the olympics (I usually only watch the summer olympics because I love watching gymnastics, volleyball, and swimming).

  22. I'm in northern lower Michigan, and I love the Olympics! In fact, I am in the process of writing a series of posts at about Lessons in Simplicity from the Olympics.

    Congratulations on your first home gold medal (and more now...)

    ~ Luke @

  23. Yes, I hve been enjoying the Olympics, too! I am Canadian, eh! I am also having a Canadian giveaway soon, probably next week.

  24. I'm from Texas but I am not an olympics fan...I'm not a sports fan in general. Sorry!

    -Annie B.

  25. Also, I did subscribe to your blog!

  26. A little Canadian waving hello from down under and yes we are watching the olypics every night.

  27. Grace, this is wonderful!

    As you know, I'm from Vancouver, and so, I have been enjoying the Olympics immensely -- both in the city, and from my t.v :)

    Thanks for the generous + beautiful giveaway...

  28. Hi Grace, I came from Ann's place. Your header is stunning and your Olympic giveaway is so apt. I have become a follower too. We live in Californa now but I am visiting family and friends in England and really looking forward to the 2012 Olympics here. Canada is the most perfect place for the winter olympics though and I love to watch all the events, happy Thursday, Kathy.

  29. I'm from Vancouver so of course I'm watching! Hey I became a follower but my little M didn't show. Strange!! Anyway, love this giveaway, yaay!

  30. I liked the tea towel story, we don't have Anthropologie in Vancouver, seriously we are like a 1 horse town sometimes with the lack of shopping!

  31. Love the special tea towel! I am in California and I have watched every minute of the Olympics tht I can...I spend the evening with my handwork and the tube!

  32. I live in South Dakota close to the Wyoming border. I'm not a TV watcher so have not been watching the Olympics, but have been following them on the Internet. And Vancouver is a beautiful city!

    my email is

  33. Wonderful pic of the snow, and a wonderful giveaway! I saw you on Ann's blog and had to come visit. I am from the Boston area, and haven't been able to watch much of the Olympics, but I am keeping up with them.

    Thanks....and enjoy the Olympics!


  34. I forgot to add myself as a follower last night, but I'm one now!! :D

  35. What a lovely give away. I'm way down in s.e. FL.
    I'm not watching the olympics, the only thing we've been watching on TV is Survivor. Congrats to Canada for winning their first gold.


  36. I am (now) following your blog via my RSS reader. I'm watching the Olympics; right now I've been watching Curling (Women's teams), U.S. competiting against Russia.

    I live in Maryland (USA).
    tara r s at comcast dot net

  37. Hi Grace!

    I love Canada - thanks for the giveaway. I'm from the Bay Area in California, and I'm really enjoying the Olympics, especially the ice skating.


    abstoner at comcast dot net

  38. Just became a follower of your blog.


    abstoner at comcast dot net

  39. How much do I LOVE this giveaway?? Awesome!


  40. I thought I was already a follower, but I wasn't. I just became one.


  41. One more ... I mentioned you on my blog!

    Have a good weekend!

  42. I live in Louisville, Kentucky.

    I have been watching the Olympics. I have it on now !


  43. I am from So California and yes....I love watching the Olympics....the half pipe and figure skating are my favs

  44. I became a follower.


    (I don't have a blog)

  45. What a lovely blog you have...I just became a follower....

  46. I am in Aurora, IL here in the US but born and raised in Dublin, Ireland. I actually lived in Toronto for a couple of years before moving to the US. I have been really enjoying watching the Olympics. Amazing giveaway, would love to win it ;) Adore that tea towel!

  47. I'm from northeast Missouri. And I can't watch the Olympics. We don't get the station on our satellite dish. :~(

  48. Hello there fellow Olympic supporter! I'm from Utah (USA), where the 2002 Olympics were. Isn't it fun to be near all the Olympic action?? Yes, I'm watching (at this very moment) an Olympic downhill ski run. My husband just commented how fun it looks and how he would love to snowboard on that run with all the jumps and turns and everything. Anyway, would love to win your giveaway--what fun things you're giving away. I LOVE those tea towels!!

    mrs_apple_juice (at) hotmail (dot) com

  49. I'm freezing in Minnesota! Haven't watched much of the Olympics...14 hour workdays aren't very condusive to TV watching. :(

  50. Congratulations Canada! I would LOVE some Canadian treasures!

  51. This little canadian down under is sweating it out in 32C and thunderstorms, you don't know how inviting your wintery banner looks

  52. I know I am too late for the giveaway and it looked like a great one too. We are enjoying the Olympics and cheering Canada on as she wins each new gold medal. Even though we now live in the US we are still rooting for our Canadians to win!
